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    Jury Research Blog

    COVID, the Court, and the Future of the Jury Trial-Free Virtual Summit

    Posted by Jeffrey T. Frederick, Ph.D. on Wed, Nov 11, 2020 @ 09:11 AM

    November 11, 2020

    Jeffrey T. Frederick, Ph.D.

    COVID, the Court, and the Future of the Jury Trial-Free Virtual Summit


    Register Today

    Free Virtual Summit

    As courts around the country struggle to continue operations in the face of this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, we are creating an opportunity to come together and discuss, research, collaborate, and innovate the best ways to ensure our clients have access to the courts. There may be no easy answers, and no one set of court procedures is the perfect solution for every case. By digging into the problem with the collective minds of dedicated legal professionals, we hope to discover ways to keep our justice system running and even to make it more effective in the long run.

    Please join NITA and OCP as we bring together an extraordinary group of speakers: judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals from all over the country who have been involved in jury trials and practical tips on how to conduct jury trials during this time. This two-day conference is free of charge.

    Attendees are encouraged to donate to a designated charity assisting underserved communities to gain greater access to technology and the internet.

    *Please note, CLE credit is not being provided.


    Thank you to our Summit Sponsors

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    The National Institute for Trial Advocacy
    1685 38th Street, Suite 200
    Boulder, CO 80301-2735

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    Topics: jury research, group voir dire, jury selection, Jeffrey T. Frederick, voir dire, trial consultant, questioning jurors, juror candor, looking good bias, juror, jury, improving voir dire, mastering voir dire, juries, majority response questions, mastering group voir dire, cyber juries, virtual juries

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