About NLRG Legal Research Attorneys

NLRG has a staff of 35 full-time, specialized U.S. legal research attorneys, all trained at top American law schools, many with Law Review and years of experience in private practice, and each with a wealth of knowledge and understanding in the area of law your case concerns. Most publish regularly in their areas of expertise.

We also maintain a highly trained team of proof readers and cite checkers and a professional support staff, all organized to meet the exacting requirements of the judicial system and the pressurized demands and professional standards of our attorney clientele.

Overseeing this group of skilled professionals is an attorney management team with a combined 90 years of experience in the Legal Research field.

For detailed information regarding each of our legal research attorneys, sample work products, and client testimonials, click on the links below:


We Add Value And Save You Time

"When I received the other side's memorandum, it was not something that I wanted to deal with, It addressed an obscure area of law that would have taken me days to research and even then I could not be certain of my results.  I contacted NLRG hoping for a memorandum that would assist me in responding.  Instead, I received an actual trial brief.  All that I had to do was review, sign, and file.  Not only did this save me time, but it was probably better than anything I could have produced myself."
  --Craig W. Lekach, Ft. Lauderdale, FL